How To Get Printed Photos
You can save any of these pictures to your computer. Click on the picture. You will then see just the picture. Right click on your mouse and chose "save image as". Give it any name you want but make sure it ends with .jpg (for example sammie.jpc.) Remember where you save it on you computer.
You can go to and go to their photo center. You can follow directions for uploading and ordering pictures at $0.19 each which you can pick up at the Walmart you designate. These pictures will produce good 4x6 prints. If you want a larger print, find the picture you want and click the small envelope icon under the picture and send the post to this address. This will tell me what picture you want and give me your email address. Jean and Sam are also recieving a cd with all the pictures on them.

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Keith and Teri Clark

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